In this article I will explain with an example, how to install System.Drawing.Common from Nuget in .Net Core 2.1.
Bitmap class is not available, since System.Drawing namespace it is not available in .Net Core.
.Net Core 2.1: Install System.Drawing.Common from Nuget
Thus, in order to use Bitmap class, you need to install the System.Drawing.Common package from Nuget.
Downloading System.Drawing.Common package
You will need to install the System.Drawing.Common package using the following command.
Install-Package System.Drawing.Common -Version 4.7.0
.Net Core 2.1: Install System.Drawing.Common from Nuget
.Net Core 2.1: Install System.Drawing.Common from Nuget
Once it System.Drawing.Common is successfully installed, you will need to import the System.Drawing namespace.
As you can see, the Bitmap class is available to use.
.Net Core 2.1: Install System.Drawing.Common from Nuget

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