In this article I will explain step by step, how to configure and install RDLC Report in Visual Studio versions 2017.
RDLC Report is not bundled in Visual Studio version 2017 and hence it needs to be separated installed.
Downloading the Microsoft RDLC Report Designer Extension for Visual Studio 2017
Please use the following link to download the Microsoft RDLC Report Designer Extension for Visual Studio 2017.
Installing the Microsoft RDLC Report Designer Extension for Visual Studio 2017
Once downloaded, double click the Microsoft.RdlcDesigner.vsix file to start the installation wizard and click on Install.
Note: You will need to close all Visual Studio versions before installing the extension.
Configure and Install RDLC Report in Visual Studio 2017
Configure and Install RDLC Report in Visual Studio 2017
Configure and Install RDLC Report in Visual Studio 2017
After successful install, restart your machine and now you will be able to see the Report and Report Wizard item in your Add New Item Dialog.
Configure and Install RDLC Report in Visual Studio 2017

Other available versions