This is a frequent question asked to me How to create a Browser Compatible Website Design.

Generally people ask

1. My website looks different in different browsers?

2. Why my website looks different in Internet Explorer and Firefox?

3. CSS styles are not working in some browsers?

4. Alignment is not proper for some browsers?

And many more


So the question arises How to make a Website Browser compatible? That it should look same in all browsers like

1. Internet Explorer

2. Firefox

3. Google Chrome

4. Safari

5. Opera


The answer is following the XHTML and CSS standards according to the XHTML and CSS version.

Unless one does that the website will not look similar in all browsers i.e. won’t be Browser Compatible.

And to make the job easy W3C has created some tools that are available online which many of us are unaware hence decided to write this article


The tools are

To validate HTML and XHTML

To validate CSS

Here you can do direct upload or paste it or give URL of your pages and CSS files


And also some handy open source tools


This website follows XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 standards and hence if you view it in any browser it will look similar with all formatting and alignment. You can also view the Valid HTML and Valid CSS Logos by W3C Just Click on it to see the test results

Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional             Valid CSS!